Fauna on the trail

We’ve seen plenty of wildlife on our trip.

In addition to plenty of sheep with lambs, and cattle with calves, we’ve also seen farmed deer – venison on the hoof.

Bambi and his mum (before, you know, that tragic bit that comes next).

The farms are also swarming with rabbits – and also quite a few hare. Last night as we were in the shuttle bus back to our accommodation from our pub dinner, we briefly saw two on the road in our headlights, before we heard the telltale *bang* of at least one newly ex-hare.

There’s plenty of bird life around also. As we were cycling out of Ophir in the rain this morning, a mother quail ran across the road in front of us, followed by eight tiny chicks. A minute later, once he’d seen the coast was clear, they were followed by the father. What is it with poultry and their incessant need to relocate across busy transport routes?


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