Old scheduling email – 25 Nov 2016

While we nervously wait for the results from the American elections (still!),

From The Oatmeal

Here is an old scheduling email.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 25 November 2016 4:34 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff

Subject: comparatively


Hi All,


Our house sale went through yesterday. Bit disappointed in the price we got – the rumours of an overheated property market in Wellington appear to be grossly overstated. Or, more likely, we paid far too much when we bought it. At least I don’t need to feel middle class guilt for making a massive profit for no effort. It’s a great relief to have the whole business sorted actually: It was touch and go for a while, the earthquakes having made banks and insurance companies quite twitchy. It’s nice to not have to have the house sparkly clean and presentably minimalist all the time anymore, especially with three children and three dogs. And life could be worse – I could be living in Alleppo; or be queer, Hispanic, black, disabled or a woman in America. I’m also in a good mood because I managed to get highly sought after tickets to the visit early next year of a famous English person – no, not Adele: David Attenborough. My daughters are tremendously excited. He has been an idol of theirs for their entire lives: he’s given them a passion for natural history (although sadly it doesn’t appear to have inspired them to work any harder in science at school, sigh).

I thought I was tremendously well staffed this week, and was feeling quite optimistic until I put out my provisional schedule earlier in the week. Unfortunately it turns out half the people I scheduled couldn’t actually work clinically for a variety of entirely legitimate reasons.  I guess that’s the reality of a big department with a great deal of extracurricular activities. Ryan S is OPD all week as part of the nationwide registrar research project or PREMNZ. He and another RMO will be asking our patients if they are happy with how we’ve treated them (I am paraphrasing). So, should we all be on our best behavior, or just treat people the way we normally would? Trick question! Of course they are one and the same. There are a number of educational courses on during the week, including the inservice on Thursday afternoon (surprise! for everyone who didn’t know about the move from Friday until this week). This is also Chris P’s very last week in theatre before moving full time across the corridor to ICU. You will be missed, Chris! Who will I talk to about lefty greeny issues now? Now that Chardonnay socialists are all labeled the liberal elite we seem to be an increasingly marginalized section of the population.

Ortho want extra preassessment sessions, including on weekends, to help clear up the backlog before Xmas. Lots of those patients will be farmed out to private. This is defunding our public health system by stealth or so I was informed by another fellow left winger over coffee today.


It’s December 1st – the beginning of Summer – maybe now Chris will let me play Xmas carols in the schedulers office?


That’s it for me for another week. Hope all your houses remain structurally intact.


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