
The shop with the best range of jig saw puzzles I have yet come across in all of NZ is this little arts and crafts shop on the right, across from the boat shed cafe in Rawene.

I was in there the other day, trying to choose between the Mona Lisa, and a photo of the Grand Canal in Venice, and the elderly proprietor was looking at me with some anxiety. “I have one here you will love!” she said “It’s my most favourite in the whole shop!” And she showed me one with two cute little fluffy kittens in a basket. I was astounded. It was so chocolate box twee that I thought she must be taking the piss.

When she saw the expression on my face, she then showed me another couple that she thought were almost as good – and I must confess, these were two in the style of picturesque English villages full of quaint thatched roof cottages, which I bought several of a few weeks ago. In the end I bought both of the more high class puzzles I’d already been looking at, and fled before she could be even more helpful.

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