GI upset

I was quite right to be concerned about delicate doggy bowels after the smelly farts we were enduring the other day.

Ten minutes into our emergency walk, Poppy let rip with a truly offensive bowel motion. Unfortunately it was of such a syrupy texture I was unable to pick it up in a poo bag, but as it was well placed under a bush I didn’t feel too bad about that.
Would that that was the end of the story. That evening, Ruby showed very little interest in her dinner of left over venison steak. When I let her out of her crate she looked quite shamefaced as she tentatively tiptoed out. I went to bed and didn’t think anything more about it, but the next morning Simon told me that a couple of hours later she’d suddenly raced over to our most expensive Turkish rug and threw up on it. Full credit to him, he cleaned it up without waking me, and he appeared to actually be more concerned about the poor doggy than the carpet. Hence the ancient can of country style soup is on hold until normal GI service is resumed. I actually found instead a tin of dog food specifically for dogs who are convalescing. It’s got boiled meat and rice, perfect for delicate tummies.

The trouble is, and I only found this out afterwards, it expired in 2017. Still, there have been no repercussions so far. Fingers crossed.


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