Conferences in the time of COVID

Am currently attending a conference on stroke in Montpellier, France whilst lying in bed.
I went to the same annual conference a couple of years ago in its usual spot in Nice. That time I was there in person, but this year it’s entirely virtual and online.
Benefits of attending the conference virtually:

1) no jetlag

2) free registration! (There are regular ads from the sponsors)

3) I can watch it in the comfort of my home in sweatpants or even pjs.

4) I don’t have to feel guilty about not mingling with colleagues (I am hopeless at networking).

5) Currently actually there is severe flooding after a big storm in the region around Nice, but I don’t expect that was something that could have been foreseen by the organizers.

6) minimal greenhouse gas emissions


1) no associated holiday

2) no opportunity to practice my French

3) to watch the whole thing live I have to stay up all night. There’s delayed coverage for Americans but that starts at 5am. There’s another session at a more reasonable hour for Asia but it’s going to be dubbed into Chinese.

I worked with these three doctors when I was in Montpellier on my sabbatical

It’s all very professionally done with far less technical problems than I was expecting. Is this the future of conferences?

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