Old scheduling email Nov 2016

This one is particularly painful as it was just after Trump got voted in last time. Who would have thought his tenure would have been even worse than we imagined!

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 11 November 2016 11:50 AM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Glum


This Wednesday was as horrific as it could have been as we watched the unthinkable happen – Trumpocalypse has become a reality. Apparently only a billionaire can truly understand the pain of the common man ground under the heel of the wealthy for far too long. I’d love to wash my hands of the whole thing – they’ve brought the pain onto themselves, after all. Unfortunately it’s anyone who isn’t an old straight white man who is going to suffer. Not to mention the rest of us – the man who claims climate change is a global hoax can’t be good for the planet. And that’s before he starts lobbing nukes around. One good thing, though – maybe the middle class diaspora will bring some much needed American dollars into our property market – much needed by me, I mean – we’ve had very little interest in our house so far. Everyone at the open homes is complaining the bedrooms are too far apart. Apparently these helicopter parents can’t bear the thought that little Johnny could be more than a few metres away at any time. This makes no sense to me at all. Night time is for sleep. I don’t care what the little monsters get up to at night – I need a solid eight hours or I’m no good to anyone.


Adam has had a little DIY misadventure, his sanded finger won’t allow him to scrub up for anything the first half of the week. Today’s ophthalmology/ preassessment combo will be perfect for him, then.

John K’s very last list at CCDHB today, and it’s a long one as he fits in two complicated patients before he goes. One of them is in combination with a gyne surgeon, never a recipe for speed (I’m not saying that’s a bad thing – I’d want them treading carefully around my bits if it was me). 

The Hoff is all day in OT 7, which allows only one morning of ortho trauma today, in OT 8. Hopefully all the trauma will have been cleared up over the weekend ha ha ha!

OT 91 unable to do the all day gyne they wanted as they don’t have enough patients preassessed to fill it. Considering whoever we allocate to the extra gyne preassessment clinics Chris and I have to organize usually complain that the patients are far too well to need preassessment makes me think there is a flaw in the system somewhere. However, it doesn’t pay to be too cynical. Apparently. (Why?)



Long day in OT 5, hopefully will get the go ahead from ICU early so they aren’t fiddling with the IVC late at night.

Adam the unhandy providing moral support but not much else in vascular.

Extra gyne preassessment for Pia in the morning. Take a book.



Chris P is DA. He has Claire S with him in the morning, this is part of a new initiative to get the upcoming provisional fellows blooded into the arcane arts of duty anaesthesia. (Hint: get everyone else to do the work.)



I am DA, not on into the evening today as I have tickets to Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. I’ll be in the dark being entertained with my fizzy, ice cream and box of popcorn instead of fielding calls from PACU.



Nothing more to say really. It’s still raining. Ugh.









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