Fir FS

Generally I find autocorrect a feature that is slightly more useful than the irritation it causes, which on balance makes it worthwhile.
Two aspects that really get my goat though are the way it takes a little time to think about what word you might be typing, and sees fit to change the options it gives you just as your finger is traveling towards the proposed word which you have chosen. Ah yes! You say, as you see the word you were trying to type appear above your keyboard. But as you go to tap on it, it suddenly becomes some other word, which even though you see and register it in your mind as being wrong, your brain can’t get your finger to stop in time not to select it. Cue multiple “aaaargh!” moments and furious taps on the delete button so that you can try again. In the meantime, the AI is learning that when you type in “hote” it’s likely the word you want is “hôte” rather than “hotel”, which was actually what you were going for before the program rudely changed the word at the last second. Frustrating.
The other aspect is that for some reason Apple thinks I type the word “fir” all the time. It even shows a picture of a fir tree just to rub it in.

Surely it’s far more likely that I just tap the “i” key every time by mistake because it’s just next to the “o”, or is that just me? In the meantime, autocorrect thinks I have a fascination with pine tree variants, rather than a need fir one of the most common prepositions. Doh!

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