Old scheduling email Sept 2016

A bit of a dearth of original content lately, so here’s an old scheduling email to tide us through.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 16 September 2016 1:06 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Bugger the pollsters; or “women’s troubles”


Hi All,


Front page of todays paper was a poll on the mayoral race in the local body elections. Quite a disparity between the two polls, but  I’m just surprised they managed to find a significant number of people who actually had any idea the local body elections were coming up. I guess it’s hard to drum up too much interest when the implications aren’t that great – I’m mostly concerned about who’s cycle friendly. The US presidential election is a different matter entirely – a slow car crash that’s horribly fascinating to watch. We’re talking about the leader of the free world here (is that still true? Anyway they’ll have scary nuclear launch codes – won’t they? I have in my mind a small suitcase with a satellite phone inside – or is that something I saw in Maxwell Smart?).  Apparently we’re coming up to October fest – when all the worst skeletons are dug out of the candidate’s cupboards and drip fed to the media. Everybody appears to be bizarrely inured to the fact that Trump is a deranged egomaniac, and are more interested in Hillary’s weaknesses. So far these seem to be: having pneumonia; being married to a philanderer; defending scumbags when she was a lawyer (duh!); being old (68 vs Trump’s 70); and being a consummate politician. Of course, her absolutely most unforgivable sin is being a woman. Ahem.


Sadly, I haven’t got anything interesting to say about what’s going on in the department or theatres. Not that there isn’t anything happening, just that either no one’s told me or I’ve forgotten. In lieu of news then, I can tell you that if you missed the international space station flying overhead at 19:30 last night then you’ve got another chance at 18:34 tonight, when it will be visible for six minutes, crossing from SW to E. Of course, if it’s cloudy then you’re stuffed.


I’m on for the weekend (boo!) but I have a fellow on with me (yay! Thanks Ryan!). Fingers crossed we’ll get some volunteers for the ortho trauma lists so I can start the decluttering process before our house goes on the market (next time I talk about buying a new house, please stop me).





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