Ways and means

I’ve been driving my Tesla in to work since I got it, although only the days I work at the private hospital, because unlike in public, I can rely on getting a park there (along with free food and better pay). Mostly I’ve been doing it to get more familiar with the car, and to show off, but I’ve given up now and gone back to my bicycle. It actually gets me to work and back home again faster, especially in rush hour. And it’s far more fun than sitting in traffic, even in a flash car.

I find on my cycle commute, I spend most of my time with a big smile on my face, with a feeling of contentment and love towards my fellow man. For all our foibles, human beings are basically decent and good, are we not?

But when I’m in my car, the scales fall from my eyes, and I realise I’m surrounded by idiots. It’s grim.

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