
When you become a mum, your life undergoes certain changes.

They hadn’t invented the MILF in my day. More typical was things like getting your hair cut short, putting on a little weight around the middle, giving up your cute little handbag for an enormous nappy bag, and trading in your sexy car for a people mover. Smelling vaguely of vomit and poo and looking hideously sleep deprived all the time were optional extras.

The most fabulous car I ever had was a white Honda Prelude. It was a hand me down from my husband but it was still awesome. It had headlights that retracted when you turned it off, and flipped back up when you turned it on again. Super nifty. It also had a loud chiming alert that binged repetitively whenever you drove over 105 kph, which I always did. Not sure why that didn’t annoy me more. I traded that car in for a station wagon when we got our first dog, and after that it was all downhill. A Honda Odyssey and then a Dodge Journey, anything with seven seats for shuttling around hordes of little hockey players. The car I dreamed of was the Chrysler Voyager (this was before we common folk knew about climate change). Ghastly.

Chrysler Voyager – you know you want me

Goodbye style and performance – until now. I actually got pulled aside by a male colleague at work the other day, just in order that he could rave about my Model S. Even orthopaedic surgeons want to talk to me about Teslas – although the last one I spoke to was quite put out when he touched it in the carpark and it showed “Sentry mode activated! Recording triggered!” on the screen. He even complained about it to the surgeon I was working with that day: “Your anaesthetist has been filming me!” What a shame we didn’t have the USB stick in at that stage. I’d love to see the recording. Well, its a total novelty to have street cred these days. I might have to go and buy myself a cute little handbag to complete the reinvention.

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