
Had the day off today, in order to spend quality time with the twins who have spent the entire day out shopping with friends.

It did give me a rare chance for a sleep in, though. Most week days, my alarm goes off at 6:10, and I leap straight out of bed, to feed the dogs and drink my coffee whilst perusing the latest COVID stats and other news from around the world, before my shower. This set routine gets me comfortably into work around 10 to 15 minutes late each day.

Well, I discovered this morning that my husband snoozes his alarm 5 to 6 times! This seems monstrous to me. Why not just set your alarm at the time you want to get up? Why waste an hour half asleep? I thought he was mad but when I mentioned this to my daughter later in the morning, she was completely on his side. In fact, her phone was still on snooze at 11:40 (she is a student). Maybe I’m the odd one out?

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