Kirsty’s adventures in IT

The flash Apple keyboard I bought with my new iPad has been crap for most of the time I’ve owned it. I’d only had it a few months when it started not connecting properly to the iPad, so that I would have to scratch the connectory bit with my fingernail, open and close it lots of times, and even turn the iPad on and off repeatedly to get it to work. Internet research (i.e. I Googled it) didn’t provide anything useful either. Finally I decided today to take it into my local Apple repair shop to see if they could help. They couldn’t, but they directed me to someone who could (all of this within walking distance – living in the inner city is awesome).

The man in the other shop said that if it was under warranty, meaning less than two years since I’d bought it, then he could just replace it for me. Well I was sure I’d only bought it last year, but where would I get the receipt? Luckily I remembered who I’d bought it from, and from there it was a simple phone call to get them to email me the receipt. Too easy!  And when did I buy it? July 2018. And what month is it now? August 2020. And am I going to be able to get it replaced, as I could have done if I’d brought it in literally any time since it started malfunctioning many months ago? Not a chance. Thanks a lot, Apple. Of course, being me, I couldn’t bring myself to fork out for a new keypad I could have got for free a month ago, so instead I’m typing this on a clunky old no name brand keyboard that was $100 on clearance, which is fine but it does keep falling over on it’s stand.

The person I blame is of course my husband Simon, who as the self appointed domestic IT support guru, should have known better. With great power comes great responsibility. I will tell him off tonight, after he cooks dinner.

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