Poor grooming

Just cleaned out my car ready for it to be exchanged for my flash new Tesla as a trade in.
It’s only five years old but it’s in a disgusting condition. I may not have cleaned it inside or out since I got it. My husband says the secret to a clean car is not to let the children eat in it – to which I smile and nod – but it’s so much worse than that. So much crap! Miscellaneous receipts, parking coupons, a hundred bottles of ancient sunblock, melted lip balms, coins which used to be useful for something (when did I last pay for a thing with cash?).
The worst was my little stash of traffic lollies. I used to distribute these amongst the daughters whenever we were in a traffic jam, to prevent whining. I’d completely forgotten about them. I must say, it does not fit with my mental model of the sort of parent I am (or was)(or would like to have been?) Nonetheless, the evidence was there. It’s been some years since the traffic lollies were utilized, and in the meantime age hasn’t been kind. They have oozed into a sticky mass at the bottom of the compartment they were in. I’ve scraped most of it out but haven’t the time or the inclination to remove all the evidence. I’m afraid the car groomers are going to earn their money on this one. Not to mention the bottle of milk that spilled over the passenger seat on my very last trip in it.  Farewell Outlander! You deserved better.
I’m definitely going to make more of an effort to keep my next car clean (ooh…that sounds familiar…)

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