In the dark

We’re deep in the middle of that time of the year when I don’t need sunblock in my moisturizer for weeks at a time, during the working week in any case.

I know the beauty pundits recommend sunblock all year round, but honestly I can go days at a time without seeing sunlight. Today, for instance, I’m in radiology. It was dark when I cycled in, it’ll be dark when I cycle home, and while I’m here I’m about as far from a window as you could possibly be, in a lead lined basement bunker. I wonder if sunblock would help protect me against any stray x rays flying around? Seems unlikely – I can’t remember the last time someone said “why can’t I see the facial bones in this skull X-ray? Oh, I see – she’s wearing sunblock…” Probably best I rely on the lead screen I sit behind and my lead gown.

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