Hospital food

Had the staff cafeteria chicken dinner tonight. (Yes, I’m back doing a long day at work.) The chicken dish was the only thing left by the time I got there, just before closing time. Obviously there was something everyone else knew about but me. It didn’t look too bad – chicken pieces in a tomato and olive sauce on rice. It lulled me into a false sense of security. It was awful. Actually, to clarify, the taste wasn’t so bad, but I have never had so many different inedible bits of chicken in one dish.

There were sharp pointy bones, soft spinal bones, gelatinous bits, tough chewy gristle, and slimy skin. There was hardly a mouthful that I didn’t have to spit some part of it out. Could this be the final straw to turn me vegetarian?


The junior doctors I was on with managed to get to the cafe before me and snaffled the vegetarian pasta. Turns out I didn’t miss anything. It was made up of five pieces of desiccated celery on a bed of hardened spaghetti. Perhaps safer to keep my omnivorous options open in future?

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