Vroom vroom

Do you remember when we first went into lockdown, I was cycling to work and even though the roads were almost empty, I almost got run over by a Tesla because it was running so silently? (It’s possible I may not have mentioned it). I remember making a vow to myself at the time, if I survive this pandemic, I’m going to buy myself a Tesla to celebrate. It seems in retrospect a very strange thought to have had, now that we’re all safe and back to normal (until…)

My car is perfectly fine, but do I need a giant SUV now that it’s just me and the dogs most of the time? No I don’t – even though it seems in the meantime everyone has decided they need one no matter what their car driving requirements are. And I can buy a second hand Tesla for less than my husband paid for his highly specced Volvo (SUV) last year. It’s possible I could have the moral high ground here – going to a smaller, fully electric car. Although, Simon hasn’t found out about the munted computer yet, and that might well put me in the naughty corner for some time to come. Double drats for my anger management issues!

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