
How come the hair products designed for frizzy hair smells like coconut oil? Well, all the cheap ones at the supermarket do. I keep getting painful flashbacks to that suntan lotion we used to slather on when I was a kid. It was in a brown bottle with a picture of that child actress* having her knickers pulled down by a dog. Pretty dodgy in retrospect, I bet they don’t use it now. It never provided much sun protection, no surprises there as I think it was SPF 4 or something.

I even remember the jingle! “Get a Coppertone tan tan tan – it makes you browner!” Great to have a natural, healthy tan! and also leathery aged skin, skin cancer, solar keratoses, wrinkles, liver spots…but don’t worry, that’s way in the future when you’re old and no one cares how you look anymore. Yay!

*I did research! Jodie Foster was one of the child models used but the design predates her

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