
Got a phone call from animal control this afternoon saying there’d been a complaint about our dogs barking and howling overnight. The thing was, as I explained to the lady, the dogs weren’t there last night. I escaped from Wellington and it’s too close proximity to work yesterday afternoon. Oh, OK then, she says, we won’t do anything more about it. I let her ring off, but I was thinking that’s not good enough! Who has gone to the trouble of making a complaint when there were no dogs there? And if we had been there, we’d have been in trouble, even if it wasn’t true. Will there still be a black mark against our name? Was it an honest mistake, or is someone being malicious? Of course, there’s a third possibility – my husband had a girlfriend over who also has noisy dogs. (Simon is spending the weekend in town, ostensibly for the rugby and more cocktail party research). I put this possibility to him and he said “I think I’d have remembered that” which sounds dangerously like obfuscation to me. Hard to know who to trust these days.

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