Old scheduling email June 2016

Remember when we all thought 2016 was the worst year ever? Ah – good times!

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2016 1:20 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff

Subject: 2B(rexit) or not 2B?

All eyes are on the UK and yesterday’s referendum on leaving the EU. I seem to be getting mixed messages on my newsfeed. Will brutish ignorance and xenophobia win the day? It’s the same demographic that’s been working so well for Trump across the Atlantic… it is traditional for Britain to hate Europe, after all, and even the Queen seemed to be getting in on the act in the last week. Another exit closer to home has been our department netball team from the local league. Just too hard to string a team together every week, with all the antisocial hours we work. I wasn’t that impressed with the photo Joe sent out a few days ago, but it is better than the other one I saw – yes, Nick C, I saw the bunny ears and I’m not impressed – I will be having a word with your mother.


Continuing the animal theme, I have been trying a new treatment for my grumpy middle aged lady dog, who has developed a nasty habit of weeing inside the house (hence the faint whiff of dog urine which I mentioned a few weeks ago). I have been supplied (thanks, Lucy) with a collar which exudes (apparently) the aroma (or “pheromone” to the initiated) which a mother dog secretes to calm her puppies. This had been seeming to work well – she was much more relaxed, barking less, and with no accidents inside for the last fortnight. However, we had a nasty lapse last night, when she managed to sneak out of the house, roll in poo, and then proceed to try and throw herself under the wheels of a passing car. So, she is back in disgrace and we are wondering about canine Prozac (I think that’s a thing?). And speaking of grumpy middle aged ladies, I very cleverly bought tickets in advance to go with two of my daughters to  the local premier of Finding Dory last weekend, but unfortunately I forgot all about it until the following day, so we missed it. Quite ironic, really, considering it’s about a fish with memory problems. Fortunately, though, the girls tell me they’d rather go and see it with friends, anyway – so all’s well that ends well!


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