
Did I tell you about the Uber eats driver that delivered me my dinner a few weeks ago?

The app told me the food was being delivered, but I went to the front door and there was nobody there. Nek minute, I saw a strange man wandering through our garden, heading towards the back door. I went there and opened it up, rather surprised as I had quite pointedly chosen the “put it down at the front door and then hop it so I don’t have to talk to you” option for delivery. The middle aged white delivery man appeared quite discomposed. “Listen” he said (not a good start) “I don’t want to tell you what to do” (a lie!) “but can I give you a word of advice?” (Do I have a choice??) “when you put your order in, put into the comments section that you should enter the section from the other street” (we’re on a corner section) “it took me quite a while to find my way to this door”. “Well” I said “most people just go to the front door…” “Oh, do you have a front door?” “Yes, it’s – ah – out the front” “really? I couldn’t find it. Well anyway, that’s just my advice, you don’t need to follow it.” “Thanks very much, and no I won’t, because I don’t want strange men traipsing through my garden.” I thought but did not say. It was the most bizarre interaction. So entitled was he that he didn’t let being clearly wrong stop him from trying to tell me what to do. Shame I didn’t get his name, so that I might have said in the comments section in future “please don’t send X”. Maybe I’ll just say “don’t send entitled white middle aged man”. Surely there aren’t many of those around? Well, not doing Uber eats deliveries, anyway.

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