Doing what it takes

Went to dinner and to see a movie with friends last night, and it wasn’t until this morning that I realised it was my first time in a cinema since before lockdown. It just all felt so normal. We are so lucky to have eliminated COVID in this country (so far), and to be able to live like this. Thank you Ashley and Cindy, no thanks to David Clark: don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Of course, it’s at work that it makes the biggest difference – being able to carry on with all the usual good stuff – chopping out giant tumours, etc. But the rest of our lives – the non work stuff – is important too. Can you imagine still having to be in lockdown? Or having to go back to it after a brief taste of freedom? Yikes. But I think as a country we would do it again if we had to, don’t you think?

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