Devil’s advocate

I’m going to put a word in here for that much maligned creature, the “Karen”.
Imagine if you had spent your whole life being pushed to the side in favour of other siblings (probably brothers), having your needs ignored and having to put others first your whole life – your family and then later, husband and children – until finally you work up the courage to stand up for yourself, only to find you’ve become an object of mockery. Women who know their own power and stand up for themselves have always been denigrated. Society is much happier if women just sit down, shut up, and stop complaining even if they’ve been wronged. True, we’ve all seen the truly hideous behaviour of the full blooded self righteous entitled classic (racist) Karen in full flight on social media, but that must surely represent the worst 1% of the species.
If push came to shove, wouldn’t you feel better if there was a Karen that had your back?


NB to answer my rhetorical question – no I wouldn’t, because Karens terrify me – but maybe that’s because I’m a coward who cares too much about being liked.

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