Old scheduling email – early June 2016

I haven’t got a photo yet of the new tattoo, so in the meantime, here’s another old scheduling email. I was sure I’d got into trouble after the previous email, and it seems I was right. Obviously the hurt is still very fresh.

Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 10 June 2016 1:43 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Unexceptionable


Hi All,


I’ve put a lot of thought this week into what I can write that couldn’t possibly upset anybody. Um. What a lot of weather we’ve been having lately! Actually, Derek has been trying to seek me out since the last schedule email I sent out. Not sure if he intends to show his support or admonish me? Am hoping that isn’t a pink slip he’s been carrying.


This weekend marks exactly the half way point of the RMO year – hence last night’s celebratory end of run dinner. Most of you looking clear headed enough today – only one obvious injury, although Rachel swears the moon boot is a result of children’s toys on the stair well which is I’m sure the story ACC will be getting. A sad farewell to some RMOs as they head off to pastures new on their journey to consultant hood. I vaguely remember the days when I expected to steadily improve at my job. Of course my ANZCA CPD portfolio still has me expecting that, on paper anyway ( or do I mean virtually, now it’s all on line? That sounds closer to the truth actually: “I hope to reflect on steady virtual improvement this triennium”). At this point I should do a shout out to Neale M for our peer review session yesterday, which was reasonably congenial (or do I mean collegial? Possibly both). And, to all you cynics – it wasn’t just a tick-box exercise. We did have to write some things out long hand. Some new names and faces next week, then, although a significant number won’t arrive for some days or weeks as they travel here from such far flung locales as Hawkes Bay, Palmy, Lower Hutt, and ICU. Hence we are particularly light on RMOs next week. Another new face some of you will have already met is Dr Falk P, who seems very nice and also very tall. What do they feed their doctors on over there in Germany? Maybe there’s a magic combination of sausage/wurst/beer/pickled cabbage that we should all be eating?



Aruntha getting up to speed on the CPEX bicycle (?choice of metaphor)


Cathy is DA in the morning and I take over for the afternoon (if I still have a job) which should segue nicely into the evening session.

An extra upper GI list replaces Mr Stone in OT 6, a patient who has been cancelled twice before for no ICU bed. Let’s hope third times a charm – too cruel otherwise, surely?



The thoracic list was finally cancelled at production planning this morning. An act of the purest optimism to keep them in the schedule – but Chris and I still have to sweat blood to find cover for them. Hey Ho! Mark F now available for the morning (possibly cardiac third if no sickness?)


Done! And nothing triggering unless possibly you are German and very sensitive. Possibly not a great schedule but I did my best under very trying circumstances.



Apology to follow.



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