
My daughter is getting another big tattoo tomorrow. It’s been over a year since her last one so I suppose I should be grateful. I’ve asked her to tell me what I should say to her in ten years time if she comes to me saying angrily “Why did you let me do this!” and so she explained how I can say she was an independent* grown up woman who was in charge of her own destiny, and I just had to let her make her own decisions now, whether I agreed with them or not. It sounded a pretty good argument actually. Wish I’d gotten it in writing.

Less upsettingly but potentially more strangely, she’s been watching Friends on Netflix (a very millennial thing to do, apparently), and has got to the episodes with Tom Selleck in them. She giggles when she talks about him and says he’s very charming. This is weird because he was my first celebrity crush, way back in the days of Magnum PI. We watched a couple of episodes of that, and they haven’t aged well, particularly where women are concerned. But, boy, was he cute, especially in that white Navy uniform. He even makes that moustache look good.

*apart from living at home


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