Old scheduling email- late May 2016

I’m too cross about those two new COVID cases to think of anything amusing to say today, hence dredging up the back catalogue.

Actually as I remember I got into quite a bit of trouble about this email, since I made it sound as if I was complaining about my colleagues. Odd.

Kirsty Jordan 

Sent: Friday, 27 May 2016 1:23 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: emails


Hi All,


Poor old Crooked Hilary, it sounds like her push for the US presidency has been dealt a mortal blow with the return of the email scandal.  I remember when she was secretary of state, everyone thought she was so cool – and now it turns out she was using her own private email server for official correspondence. Quelle horreur! If only she had committed some more easily deniable crime – traffic violation, carrying a concealed weapon, having a ludicrous hairdo… Personally I’d be over the moon if someone stole my work emails: “you’ve rostered me when I’m away at a conference/ teaching/ in the Bahamas (I’m sure I applied for leave… it was on my to-do list…); I don’t get enough regularity; I don’t get enough variety; I’ve organized a secret meeting that’s going to last for 47 mins at some random time in the day, when we’re super short and I’m rostered by myself at Kene all day; my contract says I’m supposed to do 2.7 of these lists I like every fortnight and I’ve gone through the schedules for the last three years and it’s more like 2.3; that surgeon is a meanie; I don’t want to do this sort of list because, you know, I’m quite special….” But, I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining. Love a challenge! The vast majority of you are really nice people, and Chris and I wouldn’t do our jobs if we didn’t love love love it… and it’s a much better bet than working for ISIS, no matter how many fluffy kittens they have in their recruitment videos (notice they couldn’t persuade any puppies to prostitute themselves in this manner – too ethical). Also the risk of getting kicked in the nadgers is considerably less than if we were in the NBA.


Last week for the lovely Leon, departing on a wave of nights.

NARCM course Monday and Tuesday. (I can’t remember what that stands for, either.)



A long day for Phil Q in neuro – hope you are fully recovered from your lurg by then Phil, as this could be a hard sell…




I am DA (and not doing the evening session).

I’ve given the recent part 2 exam survivors the afternoon off for no good reason except I am nice and it’s in their contract.



Inservice in the pm.

Renal transplant in OT 4 which Mohua put her hand up for, I can’t remember why. Is this one of those ones where they fly kidneys around the country?

UGI have been given an exemption to work during the inservice to do a patient who has been waiting a long time for an ICU bed. Having been given the dispensation, they’ve promptly changed the list for two other clearly more worthy customers and bumped the poor lady to a later week. Games surgeons play!

The gyne to ENT swap in OT 11 has been declined and bumped back to gyne TBC, not sure what will happen on the day. Exciting!


Urology in OT 10 in the am. Mr Robinson has never been so busy! A very unrestful retirement although I suspect quite lucrative (as well as providing a valuable service of course).

More donner und blitzen forecast for the weekend so dress up warm.

Go the Hurricanes!


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