Old scheduling email – May 2016

I struggle to know how much day to day clinical detail to leave in when I post these. I expect it’s tedious for most but some may find it interesting.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 13 May 2016 1:33 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: What’s going on?


Well, Derek (HOD) has been away all week doing his civic duty on a jury. Although, actually I’ve seen him around the department a few times; is it possible his offer of help in oiling the wheels of justice have been declined? Why is it that no lawyers want anaesthetists on their jury? I’d have thought they’d be keen to have us bend our considerable intellectual powers onto the minutiae of legal detail in order to get the scum found guilty with the greatest possible speed. Inexplicable.


Other high profile activities that have recently been undertaken in theatre include our contribution to the running man challenge which is currently going viral on the internet. Recommended viewing. It’s very impressive to see people that you work with displaying dancing talents hitherto unexplored. Most notable was one of our techs who shall remain nameless (Jarrod) who seemed to be indulging in what in my day would have been known as breakdancing. I’m sure OSH regulations were being closely adhered to throughout – Jenny K must have been just out of view. I don’t really understand what it’s all about – for me it just joins that long list of memes that make no sense – so that social misfits like myself are left bemused on the sidelines as such high points of popular culture as the Kardashians, Gangham style, GOT, Naz vs Fleur, and Donald Trump rise and fall in our news feed.


Definitely not indulging in this sort of silliness at the moment will be our current group of part 2 candidates, who are presently in that twilight zone between the writtens and the vivas. This time next week they’ll be in the thick of the grilling. At least they can look forward to seeing a friendly face – both Sandy and Mohua are involved in the quiz this time around. Best of luck to you all! There is light at the end of the tunnel.


And at least the weather has improved, after last nights horizontal rain of terror. That means my girls will be out there in the mud competing in that rite of passage, slightly more enjoyable than home dentistry: school cross country.


There’s a complex case for Matt in OT 5, but it’s OT 6 that have requested a long day. Spare a thought for the poor gen surg nursing team, they’ve seen precious little daylight that hasn’t been filtered through the theatre windows in recent times.

Another long day, this one booked well in advance, for OT 12. Fair enough: the combo of neuro, ENT and plastics tends not to promote alacrity.



Recently cancelled prostate brachy sneaks into the gyne brachy slot but they’ve promised not to overrun. Actually they haven’t but it would be nice if they did, don’t you think?

No near part 2 teaching as it’s all just too horribly near.


15hrs of DA for me.

Linda is a cardiac floater as reward for finally filling out her list preferences form (didn’t save her from APAC and gyne earlier in the week though).


Cheers, all, and keep up the good work.








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