
Watching the construction work in the building site next door, during morning tea at the Private Hospital, we were all struck by the apparent lack of progress since last week, in spite of all the men scurrying around looking busy. (Yes, all men, sadly). Sometimes you can see an enormous difference from one week to the next, but the more experienced folk around our table said this ‘leaps and starts’ progress with a building project is quite typical.

The conversation then turned to power tool injuries we have seen. Since my companions for morning tea were a South African and a plastic surgeon, the stories got very gory quite quickly. It was way beyond the usual ‘Flymo toes’. I’d have stuck around, nonetheless, even if I didn’t have anything interesting to add, except I had to go and get our butt lift patient to sleep. It explains why my surgeon always looked nervous when I mentioned my woodchipper in the past, though.


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