Free lunch

One of the best parts about working as an anaesthetist in a Private Hospital is that they provide your meals (doctors only, sadly, not any of the other staff). And because most of our work is at the beginning and end of a case, it’s possible to eat during it. There is an anteroom next door to our theatre, and I can watch my anaesthetic and the surgeon slaving away through the window in the adjoining door.

Normally our food is buffet style, but with separate meals for those with specific dietary needs – vegetarian, for example. I know I’ve talked about this before. However, in the time of COVID, sharing food was out. As a consequence, all our food came packaged in individual plastic boxes. This is of course a nightmare in terms of plastic disposable waste, but gosh – the food certainly stayed fresher much longer. Even though we’re down to level one, the same pattern has continued this week. It’s generally hot slabs of meat with potatoes and gravy (yum), plus a “salad” of cold leftovers (yuck).

Pork today. Or was it chicken?
Sorry, environment.

Afternoon tea as well, also individually wrapped. Not to mention scones and muffins for morning tea. It’s lucky I don’t work here every day or I’d be the size of a house (simply cannot turn down free food).


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