Geriatric vulnerability

I may have mentioned this before, but I continue to be concerned about the morbidity and mortality of the aged population in movies. I watched one of those gentle tragicomedies that the English are so good at, on Netflix last night. It followed a small group of people in their 60’s and 70’s over a period of about six months, and no less than three of them died. That’s a hugely higher death rate than any typical population in a Western country – pre COVID of course. The movie had Joanna Lumley in it – you’ll be pleased to know she was one of the survivors. But really, it must be pretty tedious for these actors. By the time you hit 70, I expect their chances of making it to the end of any particular movie must be around 50%. Who’d have thought acting was such a risky business? And that’s just the ones who survived fame, drugs, and booze in their earlier years. And all in the name of entertainment. Still, safer than being a gladiator I suppose.

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