Pillow talk

Dear Abby,

I have one pillow that I’ve had for years that’s just perfect. Not too hard, not too soft, and just the right thickness. I have just one pillow, and my husband has three. His needs as far as pillows go seems to vary – sometimes he just wants one feather one that goes hard and flat like concrete overnight, and sometimes he seems to want something thicker and bouncier. There is one constant, though, and that is that he always steals mine whenever he can, which is basically every morning because I have to get up at least two hours before him to get to work. It’s maddening. Every night when I go to bed I see it there, back on his side like some sort of trophy. He doesn’t deny it’s mine, but thinks he’s doing nothing wrong by claiming it when I’m not there. My complaints are dismissed as trivial. I’ve tried buying replacement pillows for him, as similar as possible to mine, which he’s grateful for but somehow they don’t stop him stealing mine.
I’m sorry, I’m not really asking for advice about this, it’s just nice to have someone to vent to!

Best wishes,

Quite Cross of Kelburn

ps. Do you have any idea how I would go about getting rid of the body of a six foot tall man?

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