Editorial duties

Someone asked me why we have three co editors for our departmental newsletter. I know it’s possible you guys have no interest in this aspect of my work but I can’t put this into the newsletter because it’s mean (I’m venting).

My job is to oversee the whole publication process and make the final say about what goes in, as well as writing the editorial every week. There is a junior doctor who is a whizz with Word and she puts all the emailed submitted content into the Word document and sorts out all the formatting. Then it’s the departmental secretary’s job to block every meme to do with Da Vinci’s Last Supper, and then agonize for hours over the minutiae of grammar and apostrophes before sending it out late every week.

I’d love to be able to do the whole thing myself but I’m stalled a third of the way through “Word for dummies” and this describes my experience almost exactly:

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