Level 2

Didn’t go to work yesterday because reasons, so didn’t get to enjoy cycling past the increased traffic. Instead, my daughter and I went to the supermarket together for the first time in a couple of months. It was disturbingly entertaining and also outrageously expensive. Not sure how I managed to spend $469.82. Looking through my receipt, it looks like my daughter managed to sneak a few skin and hair care products and expensive treats into the trolley while I wasn’t watching. Did you know Impulse body spray now comes in the scent “burnt marshmallow and leather jacket”? Neither did I. Of course we were behind in dog treats so that’s a justified expense. Ditto chocolate ice creams. There was some real food in there too. The wagyu steak wasn’t the luxury you’d think, as it was short dated (i.e. expired) and therefore half price. It tasted a bit strange at dinner last night so may not have been the clever buy I thought it was.
The dogs spurned their biscuits for breakfast this morning.

I suspect the left over bacon they had for breakfast yesterday, followed by bits of wagyu steak for dinner has raised expectations somewhat. They will soon learn to revise these back downwards.

In the afternoon I took the dogs for a walk, where they are now officially allowed to run around off the lead in suitable areas. I also got to pat another dog for the first time in two months, a lovely friendly golden labrador. Life is definitely improving.

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