A survey

Left the daughters to their own devices for a few days this week while I based myself in town for work. What did I find on my return?

a) the place in a complete pigsty

b) perilously low on toilet paper

c) the dogs ill

d) some percentage of my skin care products appropriated into the girls bathroom

e) the jigsaw puzzle no further on

f) all of the above.

Well, you’ll be surprised to know that the answer isn’t f). It was yes to everything except a), but I’m not fooling myself that was for my benefit. They knew their dad was coming up for the first time since lockdown, and he gets cross about mess. To be fair, Poppy’s ear infection was no one’s  fault. I was annoyed to discover my bathroom had been stripped of face wash, though, especially as I was in the shower with shampoo in my hair when I did.

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