
In April five years ago, our family was traveling around the Balkans together, on a guided group tour. It was great. Some of those Central and Eastern European countries were a bit basic, so it was a guilty relief to reach picture postcard Greece at the end. Here is a Facebook post from the time (I used to post on Facebook occasionally before I set up my blog which allows me to more comfortably shout into the wilderness).

Fast forward five years, and once again the twins and I have spent an entire April together. I’m so sorry, girls, that you’ve been trapped here with me at an age when you should be hanging with your best buds, indulging in dangerous and self destructive but highly entertaining behaviours. I realize a month is a long time when you’re not even twenty, and here we are and it’s May already and there’s no end in sight. At my age, a month goes by in the twinkling of an eye, and I want to tell you that it’s been a real privilege spending this time with you, and there’s no one else I’d rather be in lockdown with (although I’d happily add the one currently stuck in Canada if I could)(plus of course the hubby but we don’t want to get too crowded)(should I count the dogs?).

Love you both.

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