
Well enough to contribute to lockdown project number 2.

This is one of those Wasjig jigsaw puzzles, where the picture on the box isn’t the same as the puzzle. In this one, the puzzle is the same scene but 700 years in the past. The one we’re doing now has ‘what happens next’, in a James Bond style escape from the bad guys lair scene. I’ll show you when we’re done.

The girls are a bit nervous because the puzzle we plan to do after that one  is one I picked up from outside a neighbours house (“Free to good home!”) There was a choice of three puzzles: Lake Wanaka landscape; Native American Indian looking pensive (probably thinking about being a prisoner on a reservation, reduced to making money out of gambling, alcohol and cigarettes, when they used to have the freedom of the entire country); and a photo of an assortment of extremely creepy (I’m talking nightmare material) dolls. I went for the landscape (whilst bitterly regretting not taking a photo of the others just to show you). Of course, the trouble with second hand jigsaw puzzles is the risk that there will be pieces missing, which upsets the girls, although I don’t mind it so much. It’s not as bad as the book my mother lent me years ago, which I only discovered half way through had the last five pages chewed off by my mothers unruly, mentally disturbed dog. She couldn’t see why I’d be bothered by that, even though it was a murder mystery. My mum was a speed reader, she could get through a book a day. I don’t know how she did it, but maybe skipping five pages here or there was no big deal.

I’ll post a picture of that puzzle too, if we get round to it before normal life begins again. Or unless I’ve got around to starting my first novel by then ha ha!

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