The good life

Great excitement when my new composter arrived today, which turned to dismay when I looked at all the parts I’d need to put together.

The instruction booklet was also intimidatingly thick, but luckily half of that was the instructions in Swedish, which meant unluckily that the English instructions had been translated. I did appreciate the warning that the number of nuts and bolts included were essentially random, so I wouldn’t get too upset when I had a number left over – presuming they are random on the generous side. Actually the instructions were not as horrific as I first feared, although the written word doesn’t match up with the pictures as well as one would like. With the use of two daughters in lieu of the correct tools, two hours and a number of shredded fingers later, we are over half way through. It’s got dark so we are going to reconvene tomorrow, but in the meantime, I’ve been reading their instructions on using their machine to make compost. Blimey! If I’d done everything they recommend I could have saved myself hundreds of dollars  and several finger tips, by getting my old compost bin working. “Chop all the veges into small pieces – add sawdust in a ratio 1:10 – add water if too dry – tear tea bags open and remove the tags and string – break up any lumps”. There’s more care supposed to go into my compost than I put into any meals that I cook. Oh well, at least I’ve had the fun of seeing the look on my daughter’s face when I came back from my walk with a plastic bag full of horse shit.

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