In a parallel non COVID universe

Tomorrow my daughter and I head off on our long awaited trip to France. We are going to be spending ten days cycling around Bordeaux.    I’ve been looking forward to this trip for ages, although my daughter is a bit anxious about missing a week of university work. She is impressively conscientious and I do feel a little guilty for persuading her to play hooky with me. I have to say the weather report doesn’t look particularly great either – a pleasant enough temperature, with highs around the early 20’s, but quite bit of rain predicted.

We are flying cattle class, but we have a long layover in Seoul on the way over – 11 hours. I’ve booked a room in the airport hotel, but I’m a little nervous my daughter is going to try and sneak off into town while we are there. She is a huge fan of K pop, and greatly admires a couple of Kiwi teens who went to South Korea and joined a band there and are terrifically popular. I’m sure my daughter could look the part (although actually I’m not sure how they view tattoos on women over there? They strike me as a quite controlling society) but luckily she is not gifted with languages so I think she’d struggle to make a go of it. Not to mention, no musical talent. We did pay for piano lessons for a number of years but I think these were basically just gossip sessions between her and her teacher. There was never any mention of sitting exams, or doing performances. In this she follows in her parent’s footsteps.

From Seoul we fly to Paris, where we are staying a couple of nights. We have a hotel booked in Montparnasse. It’s near Montparnasse tower, which is apparently a hideous eyesore but a very good place to see the Eiffel Tower.

Well, my packing is done so time for bed. Happy Easter everyone!

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