Old scheduling email Feb 2016

These old emails are like time travel for me. Simpler times.


From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 19 February 2016 1:34 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: discombobulated


Hi All,


Not going to talk about the cricket this week. Am still cross about wasting last Sunday in the searing heat watching the most tediously pointless display of batting I’ve seen in a long time. I would have been better off at home, worrying about my daughter’s first full day by herself in her new home of Christchurch in which she experienced some gentle 5.7 shaking. She wasn’t perturbed; after all, she is from Wellington. She’s been more concerned about the fact that I didn’t cry when I left her down there. What she doesn’t realize is that even though I think she’s fabulous and I love her dearly, I won’t miss having to constantly nag her to study. Either that or I’m just a cold hearted b****. No, my strongest feeling this week was embarrassment when I bumped into Heather in the changing room last night and asked her when she was going back to the UK, only to find that it was actually Deborah I was talking to. Apparently I’m not the first to confuse the two of them, but I was mortified nonetheless. Although, actually, not as much as I was on Monday when my patient asked me if I was pregnant. Imagine my chagrin.  And this was in private, when I was looking good, wearing my (previously) favourite dress. Maybe I should be pleased that she thought it was feasible that I could be up the duff? 



No tech for ECT, Chris J will just have to cobble one together from spare parts in the other theatres.



Wicks is feeling liverish today and tomorrow, hence long days likely both days in OT 5. Although, the last I heard, Mr P had already snaffled the Cusa for OT 12 on Wednesday so if one of them can’t manage with a Sonopet there could be trouble. Apparently Bala used to make do with a spoon…(apologies for the name dropping and technical language but I just love this paragraph so much)


And that’s another week over.

Och aye tha noo…I’m off to the Tattoo tomorrow night, and will be trying to avoid the cricket over the weekend.

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