
Part of my job as co editor of the departmental weekly newsletter is to source two or three memes that we can add as a little light relief. I found one I really liked that I thought would suit an Easter theme this week, but one of the other co editors, the department secretary, won’t let me use it. She says it’s extremely offensive. I was completely gobsmacked.

I guess she must be a closet happy clappy, but even so it took me by surprise. I don’t find deliberately offensive humour funny, but I really don’t understand what’s not to like about it.

She didn’t like this one either:

(Although strangely this one from last week didn’t bother her:)

Do you think she’ll like this one better?

Sadly, I suspect not and I’m going to have to end up with something like this:


So, it turns out other people find these offensive too, especially the two Easter themed ones. I don’t understand it but I’m nervous now. Please let me know if you think I should remove them. I had another one about Easter biscuits but no way I’m putting that in now.

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