Old scheduling email Feb 2016

I remember my one try at doing a weekend locum to help out the understaffed Masterton Hospital in 2016. It was horrific. Some bored local teens decided to get drunk and then drive around really fast, and it ended about as badly as you might expect. The two boys who made it to hospital had unsurvivable injuries but the fact remains they were alive when they arrived shortly after midnight, and they were both dead a few hours later. I’ve spent the last two decades working in a tertiary hospital, where you’d have multiple experts turn up to every trauma call, and my job would only ever be as part of that team – with multiple doctors per patient. That time it was me looking after two, not only being in charge but also having to do all the technical stuff because there wasn’t anyone else except two junior house surgeons, until the locum surgeon turned up anyway. Awful. Hats off to anyone who works in a small regional hospital. I guess right now, all across the world there are multiple medical staff having the exact same experience. Fingers crossed the lockdown works for us and I (we) don’t have to go through that again.



From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Thursday, 4 February 2016 4:29 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Trauma


Hi All,


Some of you may know I worked in Masterton last weekend, doing a locum at Wairarapa Hospital. I chose a particularly unfortunate weekend to do it and had a quite challenging time. But, I finished the weekend with a survival rate of 60% amongst the patients I looked after*, which is a pass in anyone’s book. The best CME I’ve ever done, to be honest, and I was very impressed with the Hospital and the staff, so don’t be put off by my experience.


Another STAT, don’t you just love this time of year?



Two children on the MRI list that must be first according to their surgical alerts. Colin thinks he should do the child that is chained to their assistance dog first, and I’m inclined to agree.


A welcome return to Rachel (new mother of twins), doing half days today and tomorrow to get the new nanny settled in. Should give her a lovely chance to relax back here at work, where you’re only expected to do one thing at a time.


The part 2 candidates are learning about stats today. What are the chances of that?



The ophthalmology team have asked for a paeds anaesthetist, and they promise me that they really mean it this time.

There’s also a new orthopod floating around, not sure if he’s already been working? His name is Hans Lundberg and he is out at Kene today. I have an inkling that he is German, but don’t quote me.




*I anaesthetised three other people that weekend, who all did very well.






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