
I’m really annoyed with myself. I meant to take a photo of the soap before I left for work, so that you could see what I have to put up with.
I got this picture from google as my second best option.

This pink bar of soap is only slightly bigger than the bar that my husband decided was too worn down and minuscule for his mighty masculine hands to hold, and he’s replaced with a brand new bar. Unbelievable! Such waste. Well, it would be except I refuse to throw the remaining slivers of soap away when he does this. I keep using them until they vanish into nothingness or disappear down the plug hole. So, I never get to use new bars of soap.
My dad was much the same. He used to collect the left over soap shards and squash them together to make new multicoloured misshapen Frankenstein soap bars. How repellant they were! They always had a collection of various types of hair stuck in them too that just made me want to throw up every time I saw it. In those days we just assumed it was Scottish thrift that motivated him, but these days he would be admired for his commitment to recycling and saving the planet.

Day 6 of lockdown – mind you that’s not particularly relevant for us as my husband is having a relaxing time swanning around GP land, while I’ve spent the day at the plague hospital.


So, was I exaggerating? No I wasn’t. Thank you.

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