
My daughter was down at the beach with the dogs this morning, throwing sticks for them to chase in the “off the lead” area, when some bitch came over and told her off for putting her and her children’s lives at risk. Apparently the Kapiti Council, in its infinite wisdom, has decided against all sensible evidence, to say that dogs need to be on leads everywhere from now on due to the risk of spreading coronavirus.

Well here are excerpts from the first two articles I found on a google search:

As usual, the Kapiti council have gone off half cocked on a tangent of their own devising. As for putting Marge and her family at risk, her snot nosed brats are far more of a danger to the general public than any pet, and anyway she’s at far more risk at the supermarket than anywhere dogs are roaming. That’s science talking (plus a bit of vengeful parent, I must agree – but one who knows what she’s talking about in this instance).

Also this:


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