Old scheduling email Jan 2016

OK, in these uncertain times it’s quite nice to reminisce about the minor  things that used to annoy us in older, simpler days.  Here’s another old scheduling email just to keep things ticking over while I try to get my head around epidemic life, when all the rules seem to keep changing every five minutes.



From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 8 January 2016 2:46 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Barely relevant ramblings of the lonesome scheduler


Hi All,


Although perhaps I should just say “Hi to those few of you still in the building” as next week’s Anaesthetic Who’s Where & When document is a sea of pink, meaning there’s hardly anyone left to do the work. And there’s certainly plenty of work to go around. Which makes me wonder,  if so many people are away, then who is it that’s taking up all the carparking around the hospital? I spent a frustrating 20 minutes driving around and round the streets of Newtown this morning, which made this mornings backlog of “I’m actually away on holiday” emails even more annoying. I left the scooter at home today in view of the predicted gale force winds, probably a sensible move considering the risk of high speed roof flashing scything it’s way past my office windows at any moment. Although, I don’t know what flashing is so I may not recognize it. Honestly, what sort of a shoddy job did our millions pay for just those few years ago? Shame one of those 100’s of special interest groups involved in providing design input into the new hospital wasn’t called “Just don’t f**k it up”. Is this the first hospital that’s ever been built?? (Is it too long after Xmas to say Bah Humbug?). I may sound a bit grumpy, but I was one of those lucky staff members working here yesterday evening, when the toilets weren’t working, and we were threatened with having to use a bucket instead. Although, I may have been confused as to what the bucket was for. Academic anyway, as it happened, but still anxiety provoking. And on that note, my top wishes for a new improved hospital would be: easily accessible stairs between levels 2, 3, and 4; more beds in the hospital; a proper kids hospital; a bigger SAU and more room in theatre reception. Also less work and more coffee.




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