
A certain GP of my intimate acquaintance spent the entire weekend railing against the venal media and their Covid-19 scaremongering and the subsequent terminally idiotic panic buying of water and similar at supermarkets around NZ. Don’t they realise that millions of people get the flu every year, and thousands die of it, and most people don’t even bother to get vaccinated?

He’s right of course but part of me is fantasizing him on his deathbed, shivering and miserable and repentant, why didn’t I listen to you and give up my hedonistic lifestyle when I had the chance? Trouble is, the most likely outcome knowing my luck is me perishing in some ghastly and unromantic fashion, delirious and coughing and oozing from every orifice, while he looks on, faintly disgusted and disapproving, wondering at his allowing himself to be allied to such a poor creature for so long.

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