
Out for a walk this evening with the two schnoodles, including my social anxiety dog. To be clear, she has social anxiety – she certainly doesn’t help at all with mine. On the way to the river we met an elderly couple who had a rather rotund mutt with them. He looked harmless enough, until he started attacking my nervous dog. The old people looked mildly disturbed by this, although not too surprised. The lady said something I didn’t catch – I assumed it was an apology of a sort, but it may have been “my dog likes to attack other dogs, and we don’t mind”. Anyway, to make them feel better, I said my dog was stupid, picked it up and hurried off.

A little further on, someone who had seen the whole thing said to me “ha ha that dog looked really hungry!”. I just smiled and walked on. Of course, what I should have explained was that schnoodles make terrible eating, because all that fluff gets stuck in your teeth, but unfortunately I didn’t think of it quickly enough. Isn’t that always the way?

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