From the sublime to the ridiculous

Having felt rather pleased with my cleverness in hypothetically helping to bring some alleged bad guys to justice yesterday, I was brought back to earth today. My husband bought a brand new printer a while ago, but because he is away for a long weekend, I was having trouble printing out a document for work this morning. I wandered into the dining room in my dressing gown and ugg boots, staring at my phone, and then sat down on the floor in front of the printer to try and work out how I could get my phone to “see” the printer on my (so called) smart printer app. After turning everything off and on again in various combinations, I started to notice a really rather unpleasant smell. My heart sank, and sure enough, when I looked at the carpet, there was a dog poo mushed into it. It’s my own fault. For some inexplicable doggy reason, one or both of the schnoodles have decided that the carpet in the rarely used dining room, as well as the space behind the sofa in the lounge, constitute areas of outdoor grass for the purposes of toileting. The only good thing about this is that it/they only do poos in these areas, and not wees, unlike their erstwhile older friend Katie. This means that the offending items can be easily cleaned up for the short while before they figure out that this is in fact unacceptable behaviour (deja vu), unless they are stricken with diarrhoea or one does not notice in time before one grinds the poo unknowingly underfoot into the carpet. I was furious with myself, as I was already running late, and now I not only didn’t have my work document printed, but I also had to clean up the mess. I shouted at the dogs in my impotent anger, but of course they had no idea what was going on. One moment, I was the lovely kind owner that they know so well, and the next I was this angry shouting devil person. Last time they’d seen me so upset was last week. I suspect they were thinking: “we thought she was taking Katie away for a little holiday when they drove away last week, and Kirsty was leaking water from her eyes, but today’s behaviour has just given those events a more sinister aspect…” anyway, they’ve been hiding outside ever since.

and I still can’t get the printer to work.

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