Old scheduling email 13 Nov 2015

No intro today, I’m just presenting it as a fait accompli.

From: Kirsty Jordan
Sent: Friday, 13 November 2015 12:30 PM
To: Wellington Anaesthesia All Staff
Subject: Friday the 13th – feeling lucky?


Hi All,


So, my scooter fell over again yesterday. I was at an intersection on a hill, looked to my left, and then felt the bike overbalancing sideways into the gutter. Luckily a chivalrous young gent in the car behind me leapt out to help me get it back upright. “Golly gosh!”, he said – or words to that effect – “it’s really heavy!”, as we drifted gently into the path of an oncoming bus. Fortunately the brakes still worked, in spite of the levers being bent into a rather attractive curlicue, and I was then able to resume my journey, driving away with my mirrors askew. Possibly karma for missing the senior staff meeting?


And, that wasn’t even the scariest thing to happen to me this week. On Monday I was on the phone at home, and was just brushing the hair out of my eyes when my oldest daughter (“studying”) pointed at my face in horror. No surprises there, she’s probably just realized how she’s going to look in thirty years time, or so I thought. But then she shrieked “Spider!”, and I could see some legs cross in front of my left eye. Of course I screamed, dropped the phone, and managed to flick the offending arachnid off my face and onto the floor. It was enormous. I’m a fan of nature but this was too close for comfort. When we’d both calmed down, the lady on the other end of the phone was quite bemused.


Thankfully, tonight’s departmental movie is not a horror but the latest Bond movie, Spectre. And tomorrow is our inaugural departmental strategy day, which Derek promises will not be like a very long senior staff meeting. I will certainly be there, possibly too afraid of being a target for fate once more.



A liver and/or similar unidentified giblet coming out in OT 6.


And that’s it for me for another week. Wish me luck getting home.

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