Doing what’s right

Look what I found the other day on my daughter’s bunch of keys:

Innocuous? Look closer

I was horrified. I thought I had brought my children up to be perfect copies of my trendy lefty liberal self. Oh how sharper than a serpent’s tooth is something something something about ungrateful children!* I feel like the parents of Michael J Fox’s character in Family Ties (an old 80’s sitcom) – they were hippies and he was a little right wing Reaganite yuppie – “greed is good”, that sort of thing. Where did I go wrong??

Of course there’s always the possibility that she’s being all knowing and ironic – clever thing! She really fooled me.

On further reflection, actually, the most likely explanation is that someone offered her a free bottle opener for her key ring and she looked no further. Ah, the innocence of youth!

*Title from a Star Trek animated series episode, apparently


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