That’s a relief

So, it turns out the $100 million renovation of the Museum stand at the Basin Reserve, paid for by you and me via Heritage NZ, has maintained it’s traditional allocation of toilets: 90% for men and 10% for everyone else. I guess male privilege must be a heritage worth preserving?

The same article in this morning’s newspaper said that only 10% of men have ever experienced queueing for the toilet. I just find that truly astonishing. My urinary tract is largely intact in spite of the rigors of childbirth, but I still plan any event outside the home at least loosely around the need for loo breaks every few hours. Imagine being able to just assume you’ll have access to a loo whenever you need it? And this is the gender that also have the ability to pee al fresco when needed. Unbelievable.

Did you know that in the UK, in keeping with Boris and his Brexit shambles, and in further evidence that Rule Britannia is a thing of the past, hundreds of public toilets have been closed over the past few years? I guess when Cynthia and Reginald get caught short whilst out hunting foxes, they can always hop in the old Range Rover and pop over and visit Nigel and Veronica in their little country place haw haw haw! Really, its no trouble, darling! As for the hoi  polloi, they really should have planned ahead before leaving home, shouldn’t they? Honestly, you just really can’t help some people, can you? And please keep those dreadful oicks out of view as much as possible. I didn’t vote Conservative to have my town filled up with foreigners and poor people. Honestly, what would Mumsie say?

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