Easy rider

Did you know the police have little hatchbacks in their range of vehicles as well as the usual sedans and paddy wagons? I didn’t either until I came across one on my commute in this morning. Traffic was slowish so I decided to stick behind him for as much of my ride as I could. It was the sweetest trip I’ve had in ages. All the other cars gave us a huge amount of space, no one was speeding, no one abused me or shook their fist. It was great. When I got to work, the hospital car park was full of people driving around slowly in their cars looking for parks, and shouting angrily at each other for driving against the arrows and other such misdemeanors. There was also a queue at the parking fee machine. In contrast the slowest part of my trip was waiting for the lifts. Why don’t more people cycle? It’s a no brainer. Unless you’ve come to the hospital because you’ve been stabbed or having a seizure or in labour, I suppose. Although wasn’t there a Green MP who cycled into the hospital to have her baby? That’s real dedication to the environmental cause.

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